
A 12-year-old boy, in elementary school, has been scratching his ear and complaining of itching lately. Additionally, the earwax has been found to be purulent and slightly yellow. He also seems to have little appetite and is feeling weak. How should a child with middle ear infection and yellow earwax be treated?


Antibiotics and anti-inflammatory medications are the current methods and drugs for treating pediatric middle ear infections. Parents can choose symptomatic treatment options. Ear secretion bacteria cultures can be done, and anti-inflammatory ear drops can be used according to the results of the examination. For children with prominent ear pain symptoms, analgesic drugs can be administered. If the child has a fever, some antipyretic medication can be taken. In severe cases, it is important to seek medical attention as soon as possible. Middle ear infections are characterized by recurrent attacks. If there is a situation of tympanic membrane perforation, timely medical treatment is required. During treatment, it is also important to arrange for a light diet for the child, strengthen nutritional supplementation, and help with an early recovery.