
Jaundice causes mild white matter damage; hello, I cry at night; I don’t know what to do; born at 52 days old; previous treatment and effects: no treatment, what kind of help do I want: consult first, then treat; the child has a history of jaundice, no systematic treatment; newborn jaundice can lead to bilirubin brain disease, which is irreversible damage. Newborn jaundice is best treated early; the child is now one year old, and it is recommended to seek treatment at a local hospital as soon as possible to see how the child’s condition has developed. General treatments for jaundice include phototherapy and albumin injection, and the appropriate treatment method should be selected according to the child’s condition.


Untreated newborn jaundice can lead to mild white matter damage, affecting neural development. It is advisable to seek professional medical advice as soon as possible and follow the doctor’s orders for appropriate treatment, such as phototherapy or albumin injection. The key to treating jaundice is early detection and early treatment to minimize the long-term impact on the newborn’s health.