
A two-and-a-half-year-old child began vomiting after eating pineapple in the afternoon. Between 5 and 7 PM, the child vomited five or six times. The parents brought the child to the emergency room, where an ultrasound and blood test were conducted. The doctor diagnosed a mild inflammation and prescribed gastrointestinal calming medication and ceftriaxone. The parents inquired whether it was safe to administer these medications to the child.


Based on the parents’ description and the results of a routine blood test, the child may have acute gastritis. With an elevated white blood cell count, acute inflammation is indicated. The gastrointestinal calming medication and ceftriaxone prescribed by the doctor are appropriate, and the parents can safely give these medications to the child. At home, it is recommended to have the child drink plenty of water and consume light, easy-to-digest foods. If symptoms do not improve, it is suggested that the parents bring the child back for further medical attention.