
My baby, who is 40 days old and exclusively breastfed, wakes up within half an hour after being put down after burping. This happens both during the day and at night. Sometimes, while feeding, the baby cries and keeps whining. This has been going on for a whole day. Previously, it was normal and regular for the baby to wake up once every two or three hours during the night.


Consider whether you are breastfeeding your baby too frequently? Is there a possibility of overfeeding or indigestion? Could the baby be uncomfortable due to bloating in the stomach? In normal breastfeeding situations, it is recommended to feed the baby every two to three hours. Ensure that the baby is well-fed before the nap in the evening and try to reduce or avoid feeding during this time, then feed again in the morning. Frequent feeding can lead to indigestion. Additionally, it is important to regularly give your baby cod liver oil (vitamin A and D) to prevent rickets.