
My son is 8 years old. Lately, he has been complaining of itchy and painful ears, along with occasional yellow fluid discharge. Additionally, he has a poor appetite and discomfort in his throat. What is the best way to treat children’s yellow earwax otitis media?


The treatment should be based on the child’s symptoms and include symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication. Regional drug treatment can be chosen, such as using anti-inflammatory ear drops. If the child’s ear pain is severe, pain-relieving medication can be used in moderation. Some children may also have a fever, in which case they can be given oral antipyretics. If the condition cannot be relieved, it is necessary to seek medical attention. If your child has a perforated eardrum, you need to go to the hospital for timely surgical treatment. During treatment, it is also important to arrange for a light diet for the child and enhance nutritional supplementation to help recover as soon as possible.