
The thickness of the breast tissue is normal, with increased echoes, thickening, and irregular long tubular low echoes, arranged unevenly. There are several uneven low echoes in the right breast, with the largest located at 9 o’clock, measuring about 137mm. There are also several uneven low echoes on the left side, with the largest located at 1 o’clock, measuring about 64mm. The shape is regular, with clear borders, and there is no obvious blood flow information inside. Both breasts have lobular hyperplasia and grade 3 breast nodules. Can a person have children with these conditions?


Breast hyperplasia is unrelated to pregnancy and childbirth, so it is possible to have children. Currently, you need to have regular check-ups, and if there are any changes, surgery can be considered for removal. However, if you were taking medication before, it is recommended to stop taking the medication for a period of time before trying to conceive. The fibrosis of your bilateral breast hyperplastic nodules is generally related to endocrine issues and is benign inflammation. However, your breast nodule BIRADS classification is grade 3, which means that although it is a benign nodule, there is a possibility of malignant transformation, and regular check-ups are needed.