My child has a fever but is very energetic. They took fever-relieving medication in the morning and felt better. After eating lunch and taking a nap for over half an hour, they played for a while and then got feverish again. They fell asleep sweating and the fever reached 38.5 degrees. Can the fever-relieving medication be taken continuously?
Based on your description, fever usually has a process, and it is not recommended to frequently use fever-relieving medication, preferably with an interval of more than six hours. It is suggested to take your child to the hospital for a blood count test to determine the cause and receive appropriate treatment. In the meantime, you can measure your child’s body temperature every hour and observe any changes. If the temperature is below 38.5 degrees, you can give your child water to drink and perform physical cooling measures, such as using a warm towel to compress the head or wipe the body, while keeping the room well-ventilated. You can also use vinegar vaporization to disinfect the air.