
My child has been having clear nasal discharge for half a month now, with occasional hiccups and not much mucus. Sometimes it doesn’t even flow for a long time, and it doesn’t disturb their nap or dinner. This morning, the discharge has already started to turn yellow and is thicker than before. What could be the cause, and do they need to take medicine?


This situation could potentially be acute sinusitis. It is best to consult an otolaryngology clinic for a re-examination first, and if necessary, a nasal endoscopy or sinus CT scan can be done for an accurate diagnosis. If confirmed as acute sinusitis, the treatment should be based on anti-infection and enhancing the excretion of secretions: 1. If there is no allergy, consider using amoxicillin potassium clavulanate or second-generation cephalosporins such as cefuroxime or cefaclor. 2. Promotility agents like Gionotong or ambroxol can be used.