
At 33 weeks of gestation, I consulted a hepatitis specialist at the hospital today. They told me I am Hepatitis B surface antigen positive and e antigen positive, indicating I have been infected with the virus but have now developed protective antibodies. They recommended starting immunoglobulin therapy immediately to protect my baby from infection after birth. My question is, can I breastfeed while undergoing this treatment? Can the immunoglobulin be discontinued after the baby is born? Can I continue breastfeeding after that?


Based on your hepatitis B surface antibody and e antigen positive results, it is clear that you have been infected with the virus but have now developed protective antibodies. Your baby does not need immunoglobulin treatment after birth. They can receive the hepatitis B vaccine as part of their routine immunization schedule and can be breastfed without any issues. Always keep an eye on your baby’s health and seek medical attention if you notice any symptoms.