
My baby is 6 days old and has high jaundice. How can I quickly reduce it? Is drinking glucose water effective? How should I mix water and glucose? How long should I sunbathe each time? How many times a day should I do it? Please give me a detailed explanation, thank you!


Newborn jaundice should first be considered physiological jaundice. If it is not severe, it can usually disappear completely within two weeks. If the jaundice is more severe or does not subside, it may be pathological jaundice requiring hospitalization. If there are no second-degree neurological or other diseases, the symptoms you described should be physiological jaundice. Pay attention to the baby’s warmth, feed early appropriately, provide sufficient fluids and calories, and expel meconium early to increase the enterohepatic circulation of bilirubin, which can reduce the severity of physiological jaundice.