
My son has had a slight nasal congestion every night and when he wakes up in the morning, which has persisted for a couple of weeks. In recent days, he has started to cough, and today the cough has become more severe, and he also feels a bit uncomfortable in his throat. He enjoys screaming and is a bit restless. I measured his temperature, which was 36.5 degrees Celsius. When he first started coughing, we saw a doctor, who said his lungs were a bit wheezy and prescribed Western medicine and some pediatric pneumonia dispersible tablets, but the effect was not significant. We are currently taking pediatric paracetamol yellow amanitin granules and lung heat asthma granules. I would like to ask how to treat and care for him?


Nasal congestion without runny nose is often due to very thick mucus that cannot be discharged. This condition is often a severe manifestation of rhinitis. Rhinitis may be caused by long-term inflammation of the nose, such as the deterioration of a cold, or physiological factors, such as pregnancy or mechanical changes in the nasal structure, such as a deviated nasal septum. It is recommended to visit a local hospital for a detailed examination and treatment as soon as possible. In daily life, it is also important to protect the nose and prevent colds.