
A 3-year-old girl has been constantly tugging at her ears and complaining of itching. Additionally, her earwax is somewhat thick and yellow, accompanied by a slight fever. How should one treat yellow earwax in children with middle ear infection?


In terms of treatment, it is generally recommended to follow the doctor’s instructions and administer some symptomatic anti-inflammatory medication to the child. Parents can also use local anti-inflammatory ear drops for the child. For children with pronounced ear pain symptoms, painkillers can be administered. If the child also has a high fever, some fever-reducing medicine can be taken. However, if the fever persists, it is essential to seek medical attention promptly. If severe symptoms such as perforation of the eardrum occur, immediate hospitalization and surgical treatment are required. During treatment, it is also important to arrange for a light diet for the child and enhance nutritional supplementation to aid in early recovery.