
My two-month-old boy is exclusively breastfed and has short breastfeeding sessions now. Sometimes he only feeds for about five to six minutes and then stops. During feeding, he is very determined, with plenty of milk, but after finishing, he will play or sleep with the nipple in his mouth. I’m not sure if he’s getting enough to eat?


Guessing if the baby is full, if the baby made regular swallowing sounds while feeding before and absolutely stopped after being full, even if he still had the nipple in his mouth without swallowing, it proves that he really doesn’t want to eat anymore. In fact, babies are very smart; they don’t want to take another bite even if they’re full. Don’t worry about it; don’t get into the habit of covering the baby’s nipple. The baby is full; in most cases, there’s no problem; don’t worry too much. It’s recommended that you maintain a regular diet with balanced nutrition to ensure an adequate supply of milk.