
My baby is over ten days old. They were fed formula with a bottle for a few days in the hospital, and now they seem to have developed nipple confusion and refuse to suckle. Can the baby correct nipple confusion on their own? How can the mother help correct the baby’s nipple confusion?


If the baby dislikes breastfeeding, it’s usually not something they can correct on their own. You can start by expressing breast milk into a bottle to feed the baby, allowing them to get accustomed to the scent of breast milk. Firstly, ensure that there is an adequate supply of breast milk and that milk letdown is smooth. Secondly, help the baby gradually understand the nipple. This involves ensuring the correct breastfeeding position, which can be taught by a doula or elderly relatives, and making sure the baby latches onto the entire nipple and part of the areola. Begin by letting the baby breastfeed first, and engage in communication with the baby while they are feeding, so that they can feel their mother’s presence.