
A one-year-old girl has been diagnosed with tonsillitis, experiencing throat pain, severe coughing, and low-grade fever. How should her diet be adjusted to promote recovery and reduce the recurrence of tonsillitis?


When a child shows signs of tonsillitis, it’s recommended to start by adjusting their daily diet. Encourage them to consume fresh vegetables and fruits, which are rich in various nutrients and can help boost their immunity. For instance, the peel of tangerines contains vitamin C with anti-inflammatory properties. Additionally, choose easy-to-digest foods for the child, such as congee or noodles. At the same time, avoid spicy and irritating foods that may cause discomfort. Moreover, cultivating good eating habits in children is crucial; avoid fussy eating and picky eating to ensure a comprehensive intake of various nutrients, thereby reducing the recurrence rate of tonsillitis.