Why does the baby always vomit while drinking milk?
Many babies will vomit multiple times a day in the first few months after birth. This could be because the baby’s valve muscle has not fully developed, causing stomach contents to easily reflux into the esophagus. Additionally, babies tend to swallow more air while feeding, which makes the milk easier to regurgitate. If the baby’s condition is good, this is usually not a big problem and does not require treatment. However, to reduce the frequency of vomiting, some measures can be taken, such as holding the baby upright for a while after feeding and ensuring the baby remains in an elevated position to prevent aspiration. For bottle-feeding, it is advisable to choose an appropriate nipple to reduce air intake. Moreover, feeding smaller amounts each time can also be helpful. If the baby has difficulty burping after feeding, wait for 15-20 minutes after feeding; this makes it easier for the baby to burp and can help reduce the occurrence of vomiting.