
How many days without a bowel movement is normal for newborns?


Normal newborn stool is golden yellow, thick, uniform, with small grains, and has no peculiar odor. Breastfed infants typically have bowel movements 4-6 times a day, while formula-fed infants have about 1-2 times. If bowel movements do not occur for more than one day, attention should be paid to whether the feeding amount is sufficient and whether there are symptoms such as abdominal pain or dry vomiting. Under the guidance of a doctor, appropriate digestive aids such as probiotics or baby tonics can be administered, and abdominal clockwise massage should be performed twice a day for 5-10 minutes each time. The above suggestions are for the question “How many days without a bowel movement is normal for newborns?” We hope this information is helpful to you and wish you good health!