
My child is nearly two and a half years old, and I’ve noticed their expressive and language comprehension abilities seem relatively weak. I’m wondering if this means they might have language development delays. I’ve already taken them to the hospital for a health checkup, and the doctor didn’t find any issues. I’ve seen online recommendations for Youshibeiya, which is said to be helpful for children with delayed language development, but I’m unsure whether I should purchase it due to its cost.


Based on your description, your child may be experiencing some slower language development. Since you’ve already visited the hospital and the doctor didn’t identify any problems, you can try to help your child improve through daily language training. Given that your child is still quite young, it’s advisable to be very cautious when considering any medication purchased online. This is my suggestion for the question ‘Is a two and a half-year-old’s weak expressive ability a sign of language development delays?’ I hope this helps you, and wish your child good health!