
The baby drank milk as usual at 9 PM the night before and took a nap. Around 1:33 AM, she suddenly had a dry heave. The next morning, she vomited no matter what she ate; she threw up a meal of milk at noon as well. However, she did not have diarrhea, and she was in good spirits. In the afternoon, I slowly gave her a packet of probiotics and a small piece of bread, and she did not vomit. In the evening, she kept asking for milk, and grandmother couldn’t resist giving her 100cc. As a result, she vomited 100cc again. This morning, I sent her to school, and the teacher reported that she vomited once at school in the afternoon. After coming home in the evening, I cooked her some congee, and she did not vomit after eating it. Before her afternoon nap, I gave her some probiotics, and she hasn’t vomited yet. What could have caused this?


Based on your description, this condition may be caused by dyspepsia. It is recommended to increase the amount of milk feeding, drink more water, increase the intake of staple food, and take oral stomachic and digestive tablets for treatment. If the symptoms do not improve, it is suggested to seek medical treatment at a hospital in a timely manner.