
My baby is exclusively formula-fed and always throws up undigested milk, which is thick and stringy. It happens regardless of how long after feeding, sometimes resembling dry heaves and with a lot of milk gurgling up. The baby chews and then swallows it, looking quite uncomfortable. This vomiting has been going on for a month, and there are always milk lumps in the stool. Although the baby eats little, being fed 100 milliliters every 3 hours and taking probiotics, the situation is still the same. Since birth, the baby has had the issue of having milk lumps in stool after formula feeding. Could it be that the formula is not suitable for the baby?


The baby’s symptoms may be due to poor digestion and should rule out the formula factor. It is recommended to switch to another brand of formula and observe the results. Feeding should be done in small amounts multiple times, andJianpi San (Shenai San) and pediatric probiotics should be taken for adjustment. This is the suggestion for the question “What to Do If Your Baby’s Stool Contains Milk Lumps After Formula Feeding?” I hope this helps you, and wish your baby good health!