
Over the past two days, the infant has been sweating excessively on their head. Yesterday, they also had diarrhea three times. This morning, the infant vomited, and during their nap, they sweated a lot. They also tend to sweat easily during the day, especially on the head. Today, they also caught a cold, and I’m not sure what the cause is. Moreover, after eating, they have difficulty digesting, and their stomach looks bloated. The food they eat seems to not digest properly, and they haven’t eaten much all day. What is going on?


Based on the information you provided, it is suggested to use probiotics and chicken gizzard powder to improve digestion issues. If the cold symptoms are severe, relevant medication can be used, and ensure the infant consumes adequate fluids to prevent dehydration. Feed the infant warm, easily digestible foods such as millet congee and pay attention to keeping their abdomen warm. Parents can warm their hands and gently massage the infant’s abdomen in a clockwise direction to promote gastrointestinal motility. These are the suggestions for this issue, hoping it helps you. Wishing you and your baby good health!