
Is it normal for a six-day-old baby to have multiple bowel movements a day? How can you determine if the number of times a baby feeds is abnormal? What is considered normal in the appearance of stool? I’ve been giving the baby lactobacillus granules every day, thinking it was supposed to be given daily, but the baby feels uncomfortable and has stomach pain after eating them. I’m very worried and want to know if lactobacillus granules should be given daily?


According to your description, it is normal for breastfed babies to have three to four bowel movements a day or once every three to four days. The stool color should be golden yellow and may contain some milk residue. Generally, if a baby has a bowel movement every two days or once every three days, it is considered normal and there is no need to worry excessively. If the interval between bowel movements exceeds four or five days, you can take the baby to the hospital for a gastrointestinal check-up. You can give the baby some probiotics or prebiotics for nourishment. As long as the baby eats and drinks well, maintains good spirits, and grows normally, there is no need to worry.