
How can a child with allergic purpura be cured?


Based on the symptoms of allergic purpura and blood test results, a diagnosis can be confirmed. In traditional Chinese medicine, this condition falls under the category of eruptive spots, with the main treatment principles focusing on clearing heat, detoxifying, cooling blood, and resolving stasis. The commonly used modified Shijiao Dihuang Decoction is effective in treating this disease. If the purple spots are severe and dark in color, consider adding Zixue Dan to enhance the efficacy. When abdominal pain worsens, add Yanhusuo and Mo Yao. For hematuria, add Diyu and Wumei carbon or Sanqi powder. If there is excessive bleeding accompanied by symptoms such as pale complexion, palpitations, and shortness of breath, it is necessary to nourish yin and strengthen the spleen, as well as tonify Qi and control bleeding. The commonly used Guipi Decoction can be adjusted according to the condition of the patient. These are the treatment recommendations for allergic purpura, hoping they will be helpful to you.