
Every time I drink water, I always feel the need to urinate, about 3-4 times in half an hour. When I feel the urgency, I need to urinate both ways. This has been like this since I was a child. It might be because I drank too much syrup as a child. I have never received systematic treatment. Seeking assistance.


  1. Urethra and seasonal factors: If there is frequent urination but not much urine each time, and no painful expressions or other symptoms, it should be considered first as regional factors, such as inflammation of the urethral opening, phimosis, or pinworm irritation in the perineum. Additionally, increased urination in winter is a normal phenomenon.
  2. Dietary polyuria: If there is frequent urination with a lot of urine each time, and no other symptoms, be aware of whether you are drinking too much water, especially for children who like sugary drinks, as this condition is more likely to occur.
  3. Neurogenic frequent urination: In young children with underdeveloped bladder detrusor muscles and an immature nervous system, frequent urination during the day (up to 20-30 times) may occur with a tendency to recur, but urine tests are normal. This condition is not caused by infection.
  4. Urinary tract infection: If frequent urination is accompanied by urgency, dysuria, or fever, consider urinary tract infections such as cystitis or pyelonephritis. Urine tests may show a large number of leukocytes under the microscope, and in severe cases, accompanied by systemic infection and poisoning symptoms. It is recommended to take your child to a regular hospital for a urine routine check to confirm whether it is caused by urinary infection. If so, treatment should be timely. Wishing for a speedy recovery.