
I experience abdominal distension from lunch to dinner after eating. Oral medications such as metronidazole, moexipril, mamilai, huoxiang zhengqi pills, and huohua tang have not been effective. After testing, careful examination showed no significant findings. How can I alleviate the pain and its causes?


Under normal circumstances, there are a large number of bacteria in the lower end of the small intestine and the ascending colon. If the chyme remains in this part of the intestine for too long due to some reason, the bacteria can produce gas, leading to abdominal distension and pain. (2) Gas can also be produced by swallowing air when eating or due to poor eating habits. (3) In normal circumstances, most of the gas in the abdominal cavity is absorbed into the blood vessels through the intestinal wall and exhaled through the lungs. However, in some diseases, there may be a circulation problem in the intestinal blood vessels, which interferes with the absorption of gas in the intestinal cavity, leading to distension and pain. Over-the-counter Western medication: dimethylpolysiloxane oil, also known as polydimethylsiloxane oil, is a gas-reducing agent. This medication reduces surface tension and eliminates foam in the stomach and intestines, allowing trapped gas to be released and alleviating distension. It is available in tablet form for oral use. Activated charcoal can also be used to absorb gas produced by abnormal fermentation in the intestine, reducing pain. It is available in tablet form for oral use. Bifidobacterium lactis powder, also known as bifidus lactis powder, is a dried preparation of live intestinal bacteria. This medication lowers the pH in the intestine by fermenting sugars into lactic acid, inhibiting the growth of harmful bacteria in the intestine and reducing fermentation and gas production. It is available in tablet form for oral use.