
What are the symptoms of baby kwashiorkor?


The baby has been suffering from diarrhea since the 4th, but it started to improve yesterday, only one bowel movement yesterday, and no bowel movement this morning. Since the 29th, the baby has refused to eat porridge and rice cakes (which it used to eat), although the medicine (Small Child Seven Star Sugar Syrup and Digestive Gel) is sweet, it only ate a little porridge and a sugar-free steamed bun yesterday. The baby drank 300 milliliters of diarrhea-stopping formula milk, and only 50 milliliters of water, it used to cry and drink water in the past few nights (300 milliliters), but yesterday night cried and woke up to drink water (only 20 milliliters), and when holding the bottle, it did not drink. Crying began at 1:30 in the evening, about every half hour, the baby has become much thinner, the skin on the sides of the thighs is wrinkled (loose), there is no flesh. The baby always wants to be held in my arms, and does not want me to sit and hold it, an increase in urine volume is also a symptom of dehydration, if there is no urine, then it has already caused kidney failure due to dehydration. The child would not become kwashiorkor in a week. However, if the digestive function is poor for a long time, it can expand into kwashiorkor. From your description of the medical history, the child does not have a fever symptom, you did not use cold medicine correctly. Try some appetite-enhancing oral liquid by Macrobiotic God. Since the baby cries when porridge and rice cakes are in its mouth, it is better not to feed these for now and just give it diarrhea-stopping formula milk. If necessary, it is recommended to consult another doctor or go to a higher level hospital for another look.