
What are the causes of a child’s cough with phlegm?


A child’s cough with phlegm may be caused by a cold or other respiratory infection. Under a doctor’s guidance, roxithromycin and licorice tablets have already been used, along with a doctor-prescribed pink granule medication, and the condition has improved, but has not yet fully recovered, and the child is still coughing. The child has been taking medication under a doctor’s guidance for five days, and we hope to seek other effective medications as well as daily protective measures for the body.

Cough Remedy

You can try giving your child the lily and fritillary flower drink, which is a special remedy for coughs. The recipe is as follows:

  • Lily: 30~60 grams
  • Fritillary flower: 10~15 grams
  • Rock sugar: to taste Preparation: Put the above ingredients in a pot and boil into syrup. Let the child drink and eat the lily, which is suitable for consumption after dinner or before bedtime. Effects: Lily has the effect of moistening and clearing the lungs. Fritillary flower is pungent and warm, with the effects of moistening the lungs, reducing gas, and clearing heat in the lungs. Additionally, fritillary flower extract can slightly dilate the urethra and has antispasmodic effects on severe pain caused by histamine, thus having the effects of clearing the lungs, removing phlegm, and relieving asthma. The combination of both can achieve the effects of moistening and clearing the lungs, reducing gas, and cooling blood. This remedy is suitable for children’s coughs during autumn and winter seasons, as well as for dry throat and persistent coughing.