
My child has small red blisters with a slightly red border and a painful sensation around them. There are also similar symptoms in the mouth, resembling oral ulcers. The same symptoms appeared on their feet two days ago, but the cause is unclear. During previous visits, we have used acetylspiramycin and hydrocortisone acetate urea ointment, and I just gave them a dose of medicine. What kind of assistance do I need? Are these symptoms hand, foot, and mouth disease? How should it be treated?


The symptoms of hand, foot, and mouth disease include fever, but if there is no fever, it may be a skin allergy or diarrhea. It is recommended to drink plenty of water, rest, and use ointments. Even if diagnosed with hand, foot, and mouth disease, no special treatment is needed. Since children have weaker resistance, they are more prone to this disease. It is suggested to strengthen resistance through exercise to prevent other diseases.