
A 7-month-old baby, who has previously suffered from severe colitis, including bloody stools, vomiting, and prolonged crying, has been treated with ceftriaxone and Simethicone enemas, and has consumed anti-allergy formula milk. The parents inquire about precautions to take when introducing complementary foods, worry about a recurrence of the disease, and how to improve issues of iron, folic acid deficiency, or anemia caused by long-term vomiting and malnutrition.


The baby is currently 7 months old. When introducing complementary foods, attention should be paid to a balanced diet and the avoidance of irritating foods. Traditional Chinese medicine that tonifies the Qi, strengthens the Spleen, and nourishes the Kidneys can be given to enhance constitution and nutritional absorption. For babies with chronic vomiting, Yongcang Hahuang Zhiliu capsules can be taken, along with the supplementation of trace elements such as calcium, magnesium, and zinc. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the baby receives adequate iron and folic acid to prevent anemia. When introducing new foods, the quantity should be gradually increased while observing for any allergic reactions. If there is concern about a recurrence of the disease, the baby should be regularly examined for health issues and professional medical advice should be followed.