
My baby was born just over a week ago and often bites my wife’s nipple while breastfeeding. I want to know if this is a congenital neurological issue or if it’s due to the baby not adapting to the diaper-changing environment. Are there any ways to improve this situation?


When newborns are breastfeeding, the correct latching position should be with the lower lip curled out. Additionally, avoid allowing the baby to pull back their head while feeding, but rather have them tilt their head slightly backward for a smoother feeding experience. If the baby doesn’t open their mouth wide, try to stimulate their lower lip with the nipple until they open their mouth wide and quickly insert it. If the baby maintains an incorrect latching position, you can try to insert your finger between their lips, or gently press on their chin, or hold them close, blocking their nose with your breast, forcing them to open their mouth, and then reinserting the nipple. If the baby always makes a smacking sound while breastfeeding, it may be due to a tight connection in some part of their tongue, and at this point, you can use your finger to flatten out their tongue.