
My baby is five months old, and my husband bought her Thomsen’s children’s fish liver oil and New Zealand milk calcium powder. Is it necessary to take them? I’m looking for assistance on whether it’s necessary to give my baby many brain-boosting nutritional supplements such as those containing DHA.


Calcium supplements can be started at birth. It’s like eating dinner – don’t miss it. Even if they don’t need it, at most, it will just be wasted and excreted. That’s just a bit of calcium-rich food you lose. If the child really lacks calcium, the loss is much greater, as it can delay the child’s growth and development. You can take some, but don’t take too much at once. Just a little bit each day is enough. Stick with it, and your baby will surely transform into good health. Besides that, you should also pay attention to whether your child is deficient in zinc, as both zinc and calcium are trace elements that children are prone to lack.