
She hasn’t been eating dinner well for a week, and her tongue coating is in pieces. What’s going on? Past treatment and results: She’s taken Baby Care Plus for a few days. How can we help: Make sure the baby eats dinner.


Some children are picky eaters, and parents get anxious. To coax their children to eat dinner, some parents use toys to distract them while eating, while others allow the children to play while eating… Parents are too indulgent and do not understand the appropriate feeding methods, which directly leads to the child’s picky eating. To ensure that the child has a quiet and comfortable bowel environment, making it easy and pleasant for them to defecate. Because the digestive system is influenced by emotions, stress can lead to a decrease in appetite. Therefore, when the child is defecating, adults should not talk loudly or laugh, and definitely should not distract the child or make them do this or that.