
Children frequently suffer from respiratory infections during the autumn and winter seasons, with tonsils often swelling and becoming inflamed, and the urethra also frequently inflamed. I want to know if these symptoms are related to pigeon chest, as well as whether it’s too late to supplement calcium and vitamin D now. What was the past treatment situation and its effectiveness?


Pigeon chest is an abnormality where the chest wall appears wedge-shaped and protrudes. It may be caused by uneven growth of the sternum, spine, and ribs during embryonic or infantile development. Additionally, malnutrition or certain nutritional disorders, such as rickets in infants, may also lead to chest deformities. Long-term chronic purulent pleurisy or expansion and compression of the chest wall by certain congenital heart diseases may also cause pigeon chest deformities. It is recommended to supplement calcium and vitamin D, and to inquire whether further assistance is needed.