
Lately, our baby has been restless at night, tossing and turning, kicking off the blanket. It’s not because of hunger or warmth, and we’ve been supplementing with calcium and vitamin D every day. I’m not sure what’s going on?


The baby may be prone to intestinal colic or gas, which can disrupt their deep sleep. Intestinal colic can have many causes, with intolerance to formula milk being a common one. It is suggested to switch to partially hydrolyzed formula milk. Indigestion, food intolerance or allergies, constipation, and other issues may also lead to gastrointestinal discomfort and interfere with deep sleep. In some cases, the baby’s restless sleep during deep sleep may be related to intestinal parasites. Moreover, when the baby is restless during deep sleep, parents should also observe if the child is breathing through their mouth.