What should I do if my child, almost five years old, is always wetting the bed? He always says he doesn’t feel it. What were the previous treatment situations and effects? What kind of help do you want to receive? Please let me know what’s going on?
Most parents do not consider bedwetting in children to be a disease and do not believe it requires special treatment. Bedwetting in children under 3.5 years of age is a normal phenomenon, but if children over five years old continue to wet the bed, it is considered a medical condition known as enuresis. Enuresis is more common in young children. Often, the younger the child, the less motivated the parents are to seek medical attention, which is related to the long-standing lack of proper understanding and adequate attention to this condition in our country. To this day, many parents still believe that the condition does not significantly disturb the child and that it will eventually heal on its own, so they are not prepared to seek hospital treatment.