
My four-month-old baby doesn’t like to eat milk, he always coughs up dry heaves, his stools are sometimes green, and he always farts and it’s very smelly. He’s been a bit whiny lately. He had diarrhea before, but got better after taking medicine, but he doesn’t eat much milk after stopping the medicine. What could be the reason?


Based on your description, the baby may be suffering from these symptoms due to dyspepsia. Infants’ digestive systems are not fully developed and are prone to recurrence of dyspepsia. It is recommended to give the baby oral probiotics and intestinal health products, drink more warm water, and feed breast milk in small amounts but more frequently to avoid overeating. At the same time, the mother’s diet should also be light and easy to digest, avoiding intake of extremely cold, hard, or irritating foods. Additionally, pay attention to the baby’s warmth and avoid catching a cold. I hope my answer can help you.