
The baby is three years and nine months old. The baby has had a fever for four days, with a peak of 40 degrees Celsius, and is coughing. The baby has taken Lung Power Cough syrup and antiviral combination medicine, but the fever has recurred. Should I keep the baby at home and continue with medication or take the baby to the hospital for treatment?


Based on the laboratory results and description, it is considered that the child may have symptoms of bronchitis, indicating a possibility of viral or mycoplasma infection. The current treatment is mainly symptomatic. Firstly, it is important to control body temperature; if it is below 38.5 degrees Celsius, oral antipyretics or anesthetic antipyretics should be taken, as well as applying fever-reducing patches to prevent febrile convulsions. At the same time, drink small amounts of warm water frequently and ensure adequate rest. It is recommended to have the baby tested for mycoplasma antibodies at the hospital within a week. If the mycoplasma antibodies are positive, oral or intravenous azithromycin can be administered.