
My child, who is 2 years and 3 months old, has recently been suffering from nasal congestion, hiccups, clear runny nose, and a slight cough. Due to severe nasal congestion, the child has been breathing through the mouth, with a slightly red throat. Along with constipation, the child’s stool is only passed every two days. No medication has been taken; only scallion and ginger water and pork and radish congee have been prepared. Besides using ginger to cool compress the soles of the feet, I want to ask the doctor if the child’s condition is due to wind-cold or wind-heat, and whether the prepared foods are correct?


Based on your description of the symptoms, the child may be suffering from a common cold causing pharyngitis and constipation. It is recommended to treat the symptoms with children’s paracetamol yellow amantadine granules, Pulilike cough syrup, and antibiotics. If there is no penicillin allergy, amoxicillin capsules can be taken orally. During this period, it is important to ensure plenty of water intake, consume more vegetables and fruits, and avoid spicy and cold foods. Maintain good ventilation indoors and keep appropriate humidity levels. The child’s condition should be due to wind-cold flu; your treatment approach is correct. Wishing for the child’s quick recovery.