
The newborn’s jaundice level is elevated, with a skin measurement index of over 15 points. After one month, the index rises to over 13 points. Is there a connection? The doctor suggested stopping breastfeeding for 72 hours to check for milk jaundice. During the breastfeeding pause, the baby only had bowel movements twice. Three days later, the jaundice level dropped to over 12 points. Is this unrelated to stopping breastfeeding? If further investigation is needed to determine the cause of jaundice, what detailed tests should be conducted?


Based on the provided information, the baby may have jaundice, and the doctor suspects it could be milk jaundice, hence the recommendation to temporarily stop breastfeeding. There are many causes of jaundice, and with a skin measurement index of over 12 points, it is advised to consult a pediatrician again for liver function tests, routine blood tests, and blood typing. Also, encourage the baby to be exposed to sunlight and drink more water to promote metabolism. For milk jaundice, breastfeeding usually does not need to be stopped. This is the suggestion for the question ‘Why is the newborn’s jaundice level elevated within the first 42 days after birth?’ I hope this helps you, and wish your baby health!