
Recently, after the baby finishes feeding and is placed down, it will cough a few times, as if it’s quite strained. There’s a sound of phlegm during coughing. The color of the stool is sometimes blue, and sometimes yellow. The stool I just had was a bit loose. Besides the milk residue, there’s an occasional gurgling sound in the belly. What’s going on?


Don’t worry too much if the baby coughs a few times occasionally. Coughing is a self-protective reflex, and as long as it’s not frequent with phlegm, it’s fine. Pay attention to keeping the baby’s abdomen warm, and don’t feed too much milk at one time; just increase the milk amount by about 5 milliliters each time. You can give the baby some probiotics to adjust the intestinal function. I hope my explanation helps. Wishing the baby grows up healthy and happy!