
Doctor! Female, 34 months old. My child was diagnosed with severe pneumonia in late June, accompanied by mycoplasma infection, sepsis, intense coughing, low fever for eight days, and slight twitching. After 20 days of hospitalization, the child was discharged but often coughs and wheezes when exposed to cold. A chest X-ray taken a month ago showed pulmonary emphysema in the left lung. The doctor said this might be a result of the pneumonia cough from the previous hospital stay. They also mentioned there are no effective treatment methods for pulmonary emphysema. Could you please provide some good advice? Thank you!


The treatment for pulmonary emphysema involves addressing the underlying diseases such as chronic bronchitis and asthma. Treatment can only prevent the further progression of pulmonary emphysema once these primary conditions are controlled. Pay attention to triggers that worsen coughing, which usually requires hospital observation and checks. The use of various antibiotics may have some effect, but long-term use could lead to recurrent infections or affect the child’s normal respiratory function. It is typically necessary to observe and nurture the child for about 2 to 4 weeks before considering discontinuing medication. Children have weaker resistance and are prone to recurrent infections.