
My son is about to turn one year old. Last night, he suddenly developed diarrhea with watery stools. Between 4 and 6 AM, he had three more episodes of watery diarrhea. What could be the cause and what treatment methods are recommended?


Based on your description, your child’s diarrhea may be caused by rotavirus infection, a common gastrointestinal illness in autumn and winter. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Check your child’s stool sample to confirm if they are infected with rotavirus. If so, treatment with antiviral drugs such as ribavirin granules is recommended.
  2. Use attapulgite powder to stop diarrhea and protect the intestinal mucosa, but be sure to use the appropriate dosage to ensure efficacy.
  3. Consider adding probiotics, lactase, and pepsin oral liquids to promote intestinal absorption.
  4. If your child is still on formula milk, it is suggested to temporarily switch to a formula specifically designed for children with diarrhea (such as soy milk formula). After your child’s stool returns to normal, continue to observe for two weeks before switching back to regular formula milk.