
My baby is four months old and has not been introduced to solid foods yet. Is it normal for her to drink 600 milliliters of milk a day? This month, during the pediatric check-up, the baby only gained 1 pound, with a maximum intake of 150 milliliters in one sitting, and sometimes even only 100 milliliters.


Generally speaking, a four-month-old baby’s stomach capacity is about 120 to 180 milliliters, and they should be fed five times a day with intervals of four hours between feedings, with each feeding consisting of approximately 200 milliliters, ensuring a total daily milk intake of around 800 milliliters. Each baby’s appetite may vary; if the baby drinks less milk, they can be given more water to drink and a small amount of juice can also be introduced. A four-month-old baby can start trying solid foods before each feeding, provided between two feedings, starting with rice cereal. Once the baby’s gastrointestinal function recovers, other solid foods can be gradually introduced.