
On the sixth day of having a fever, I went for a blood test and found that there were changes in my blood, with slightly low platelet and red blood cell counts and very high inflammation indicators, but the blood test was still abnormal, and I was required to undergo a bone marrow biopsy. On the third day, the fever recurred to 38.8 degrees Celsius, accompanied by frequent coughing and sputum production. What could be the cause?


During the blood test on the sixth day of the fever, it was found that there were slightly low platelet and red blood cell counts along with extremely high inflammation indicators, but the blood test results remained abnormal. According to the description, on the third day, the fever recurred to 38.8 degrees Celsius, accompanied by frequent coughing and sputum production, which may be due to the worsening symptoms of pneumonia. It is recommended for the patient to rest in bed, avoid using medications that may reduce platelet counts, maintain regular dietary habits, consume high-protein and vitamin-rich foods, maintain good personal hygiene and a positive mood, and undergo treatment under a doctor’s guidance.