
My baby has had diarrhea for over half a month, and has been exclusively breastfed all along. Even with medication, there has been no improvement. What should I do? What has been the past treatment and its effectiveness? No treatment has been received, and help is needed to cure the diarrhea.


Infant diarrhea may be caused by factors such as dyspepsia or abdominal coldness. It is recommended to give the baby Montmorillonite powder and probiotics to regulate the intestinal flora. Usually, the situation will improve after taking the medication. At the same time, ensure that the baby is adequately hydrated and take precautions to keep the abdomen warm. If medication is ineffective, consider taking the baby for massage or acupuncture treatment, or to the hospital for intravenous infusion. I hope these suggestions can help you resolve your baby’s diarrhea issue. Wishing your baby a speedy recovery!