
My daughter is now four years old and often suffers from tonsillitis accompanied by coughing. A friend suggested using 50 grams of dried black fungus, roasted and ground into powder, mixed with honey to make a paste and taken orally with half a spoonful twice a day for five consecutive days to cure the tonsillitis. I would like to ask whether this remedy is effective and if it can be tried?


The tonsils are important immune organs in the body. When the body’s resistance decreases, it is easy to lead to tonsillitis. For patients with recurrent tonsillitis, surgical removal of the tonsils may be an effective treatment method. However, for children who frequently suffer from tonsillitis, as their immune systems have not fully developed, it is usually not recommended to perform tonsillectomy. As they grow older, children’s immune functions will gradually improve, and the lymphoid tissues in the throat will also gradually develop, so the frequency of tonsillitis recurrence will gradually decrease.