
My son has a fever of 38.5 degrees Celsius, and he has already taken the medicine for 2 hours but the fever hasn’t subsided yet. Are there any other methods I can try? Thank you.


Based on your description, your baby has already taken antipyretic medication, and it is advised not to administer more medication. You can try physical methods of cooling down, such as using a warm wet towel to wipe the armpits, groin, inguinal area, and the soles of the hands and feet. As long as the baby’s body temperature does not continue to rise, there is no need to be overly concerned. It is recommended to take your baby to the hospital for further examination tomorrow. These are suggestions for the question ‘My son has a fever of 38.5 degrees Celsius, and he has already taken the medicine for 2 hours but the fever hasn’t subsided yet.’ I hope this helps you, and wish you and your baby good health!