
The baby, who is breastfed, has been drinking formula once a week under the mother’s condition. It’s been two months, and before this, the baby used to poop 67 times a week. But recently, it’s been two or three times, and it seems quite difficult and painful when pooping. Is this normal? How many bowel movements a baby has in a day for two months is considered normal?


Firstly, it’s necessary to confirm if the baby is indeed experiencing constipation, making bowel movements difficult, as sometimes what appears on a baby may be a misconception. If the baby only poops every three days but the stool is large and soft, then it does not qualify as constipation. Some babies may show a painful expression during bowel movements, with a flushed face and a humming sound. This situation usually occurs because the baby’s coordination skills have not fully developed; some muscles need to be tightened while others need to relax. Therefore, the baby doesn’t know how to control different nerves, so it tightens facial muscles and other muscle groups accordingly.