
My 14-month-old baby had a low fever on the first day, and by the third day, they didn’t want to eat anything. In the afternoon of the third day, they threw up after taking medicine. Yesterday, we went to the hospital where they prescribed ointment and medicine for indigestion. After taking them, they had a bowel movement. Today, they had another one as well. Is it okay if they’ve just expelled all the undigested food from their stomach? This morning, they had dinner, but they kept wanting to take a nap during the afternoon, wouldn’t eat, and felt uncomfortable in their stomach. They seem to be lacking energy, and they keep wanting to be held by me?


Based on the above situation, the one-year-old baby has started to have a fever again and is experiencing symptoms like vomiting once more. It is possible that they have contracted a gastrointestinal flu. You can consider giving them pediatric gastrointestinal health granules and domperidone suspension. If they still have a fever, you can administer pediatric paracetamol and chlorphenamine granules. Enhance their rest and prevent them from catching a cold.