
My baby is six months old and had a vaccine today. Not long after, he started having diarrhea, and by evening, he was throwing up. What could be the reason for this? Should I take him to the hospital? Previous treatment and outcomes: No treatment has been administered yet. Assistance sought: I would like to know what the cause might be and whether I need to take him for a hospital check-up and treatment.


The most common cause of dry heaves, nausea, and vomiting is infection, which requires urine testing to check for bacterial, viral, or mycoplasma infection, and stool testing to see if there is an enteritis. Medication should be prescribed based on the results of the urine and stool tests. If there are symptoms of dry heaves and malaise, attention should also be given to possible myocarditis or appendicitis. Probiotics can be taken to adjust intestinal flora, and montmorillonite powder for diarrhea. In severe cases of dry heaves, go to the hospital for intravenous administration of antiemetic drugs. Also, be mindful of any signs of dehydration, as immediate hospital intravenous fluid replacement therapy may be necessary.